This years AGM was successfully held at the Police Treatment Centre, Castlebrae in Auchterarder. As ever we were well looked after by our hosts, providing us with excellent facilities and refreshments to allow us to finally hold a meeting in person.
After such a long time due to Covid restrictions, it was lovely to get back to an actual meeting in person and catch up on what has been happening with the charity and its Trustees.
A special thanks must go out to our Treasurer, Mairi, who as always has put in so much time and effort to keep our cogs and wheels moving smoothly, especially over such a difficult period for everyone involved.
The good news is that the charity remains well placed to support its members and their families and continues to provide invaluable financial support to those in need.
The Trustees wish to thank all those who volunteer at a local level across Scotland, providing support to the charity and doing much work behind the scenes to ensure our members are given the necessary support and assistance they deserve.