Helicopter Crash

The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund wish to extend sincere condolences to the families of all those who have lost loved ones in this tragic incident. Our thoughts and sympathies are with them and also with the friends and colleagues who knew them at this very difficult time.

We also wish to recognise the efforts of the emergency services and thank everyone who has assisted and supported those involved in the immediate aftermath of the incident.

Our thanks are also extended to the many individuals and local businesses and charitable organisations who continue to provide support and assistance to the emergency services who remain engaged at the scene.

Trustees, in consultation with the Police Service of Scotland and the Scottish Police Federation, will consider the most appropriate and effective way to support and assist the families of the three aircrew involved.

It is evident this tragedy has been felt not just within the policing world but the wider public beyond and we are very grateful for all the messages of support that have been forthcoming.

Anyone who wishes to make a charitable donation to our Fund can do so using the following link. http://www.justgiving.com/spbf

Donate with JustGiving

AGM Date Announced

The charities first AGM will be held at 1600 hours, 11th June 2013 at the Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgow to which all members are welcome. Further updates will be posted.

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