MUSICAL CHAIRS! – we have a new one!!

Nothing ever stays the same for long and at the SPBF we are no different. At the recent 2022 AGM, the Trustees said goodbye to our outgoing chair, Cath McNally, who has held the post for around two years now. Cath is finally hanging up her boots as a serving officer and moving on to new adventures. We wish her every happiness and success in her future endeavours and thank her for all her years of service with the charity as a local representative, Trustee and laterally Chair of the Trustees Board. Cath’s knowledge and steady hand will be greatly missed and we take this opportunity to thank her warmly for all her efforts and kindness over the years.
And as one door closes another opens! We would like to introduce and congratulate our newly elected Chair, Lynne Gray. Like Cath, Lynne has been part of the charity for a number of years at both local and Trustee level and we look forward to Lynne taking the tiller and maintaining a steady hand on the good ship SPBF! No pressure Lynne!! (pictured below)

It would also be prudent, to say a slightly belated but nether the less, big thank you to Stephen Clark who likewise until earlier this year was our Secretary until his retirement. Stephen was also a long serving member of the charity and made a massive contribution to its success over many years. He will be fondly remembered for his humour and importantly balanced approach when it came to dealing with charity business. Again Stephen thank you for all your years service and support and we wish you every success and an enjoyable retirement.
A small presentation took place when Stephen left where he was presented with a cake to remind him of how his legacy will live in our memory for years to come! (see below). We also welcome our new Secretary Graham Ross, who was duly elected to the position and having settled into the role quickly, we look forward to working with Graham over the years to come.