Ways to Help Us!
Any donation that you kindly make to the SPBF ensures that police officers, support staff and their families in need can continue to access the help and care they require. We promise that 100% of every pound you donate will go directly towards improving the lives of supported officers, staff and their loved ones at times of need. Administrative & other costs incurred by the charity are funded from other income we receive, such as subscriptions and dividends.
We have two easy options to allow you to donate to us, either as a one-off donation or a regular monthly donation. We use Just Giving and Donorbox to allow us to receive donations direct and their links are shown below. Simply choose which site you prefer to use, maybe you are already signed up with one!
or simply scan the QR Code below using your smart phone’s camera and it will take you direct to our Donorbox donating page:
If you prefer to make a donation by post, you can send a cheque made payable to Scottish Police Benevolent Fund, and post it to:
The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund
c/o RYCA, 28 High Street
IV12 4AU
Don’t forget to include a gift aid declaration if applicable, which can be downloaded here or completed online.
COMING SOON! Please bear with us whilst we update our site. In the meantime, please contact us via our contacts page if you need assistance with any plans to raise funds for our charity.
If you decide you would like to include a gift to the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund this is easy and straight forward to do. All you need to know is our registered charity number and address which must be written into your Will.
The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund
c/o RYCA
28 High Street
IV12 4AU
Registered charity number: SCO43489
To assist you when discussing a gift in your will with your legal representative, we have included the following examples of wording which can be used. Your legal representative will be able to advise you further.
Wording for a residuary gift (a percentage)
‘I give my Residuary Estate [residuary estate will need to have been defined elsewhere in the Will and is a gift made after deductions of debts, taxes and expenses, which usually fall on residue] to The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund, c/o RYCA, 28 High Street, Nairn, IV12 4AU, Registered Charity Number SCO43489.’
Wording for a Pecuniary gift (a specified amount)
‘I give the sum of [£ in words and numbers] absolutely to The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund, c/o RYCA, 28 High Street, Nairn, IV12 4AU, Registered Charity Number SCO43489 and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or any other proper authorised officer of any charity benefitting under my Will shall be a sufficient discharge for my Trustees who shall not be concerned as to the application of any gifts or payment.’
Our FAQ’s providing further assistance in relation to Giving in a Will can be accessed HERE
If you would like to celebrate the life of a loved one in a special way by making a donation in their memory to our charity then we can help you with this. The following link provides helpful advice and assistance in setting this up, as well as helpful general advice as to what is required in dealing with the passing of a loved one. Giving in memory helps improve the lives of people who suffer harm or hardship directly or indirectly through their policing role.
Please visit – MuchLoved for more information or email us directly via our contacts page and we can assist you further.