SPBF AGM 2020 – Covid 19 Update

The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund wishes to announce that as a result of the ongoing Covid 19 Worldwide Pandemic and its associated impact across all sectors, the Board have taken then decisions to postpone the 2020 AGM until further notice. This is in accordance with the rules of the Constitution, where a delay due to exceptional circumstances is permitted.
The Annual General Meeting will therefore no longer take place on Monday 17th August 2020 at the SPF West Area Office, Paisley with a preliminary date of 2 November, 2020 scheduled pending future developments with the pandemic. Details of the location of where the AGM will be held will be posted in due course.
We apologise for any inconvenience but are sure members will understand that safety comes first during such difficult times. The 1st Quarterly meeting of the Trustees will still go ahead in accordance with strict social distancing guidelines and via video conference to allow consideration of applications submitted.
Please keep checking the website for updates which will be posted as soon as information allows an informed decision to be made. Thank you.