Following the decision to suspend the 2020 AGM which was scheduled to be held in August as a result of the ongoing Covid 19 Worldwide Pandemic, the Board of the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund can now provide the following update regards its intention to hold this years AGM.

The SPBF 2020 Annual General Meeting will now take place on TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER.

Due to current restrictions in place at our normal venues for holding meetings, the decision has been made to proceed with the meeting by way of Virtual Conference Facilities, utilising the facilities available at the Scottish Police Federation Offices based at Dundee, Livingstone and Paisley.

Any member is welcome to attend, but we must ask that if it is your intention to attend one of the offices to participate in the AGM, that you provide notification to us by means of the contact page here, notifying us of your contact details and which office you will be attending.

Please note we do require a minimum of 28 days notice prior to the AGM being held of your intention to attend to allow us to manage anticipated numbers arriving at each office.

We apologise for any inconvenience but are sure members will understand that safety comes first during such difficult times. The 2nd Quarterly meeting of the Trustees will also go ahead on the same date via the video conferencing facilities.

Please keep checking the website for further updates which will be posted as soon as any new information comes to light regarding current restrictions in place which will impact on the charities routine business, thank you and stay safe!

SPBF AGM 2020 – Covid 19 Update

The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund wishes to announce that as a result of the ongoing Covid 19 Worldwide Pandemic and its associated impact across all sectors, the Board have taken then decisions to postpone the 2020 AGM until further notice. This is in accordance with the rules of the Constitution, where a delay due to exceptional circumstances is permitted.

The Annual General Meeting will therefore no longer take place on Monday 17th August 2020 at the SPF West Area Office, Paisley with a preliminary date of 2 November, 2020 scheduled pending future developments with the pandemic. Details of the location of where the AGM will be held will be posted in due course.

We apologise for any inconvenience but are sure members will understand that safety comes first during such difficult times. The 1st Quarterly meeting of the Trustees will still go ahead in accordance with strict social distancing guidelines and via video conference to allow consideration of applications submitted.

Please keep checking the website for updates which will be posted as soon as information allows an informed decision to be made. Thank you.


The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund is pleased to announce that the 2020 Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 17th August 2020 at the SPF West Area Office, Merrylee House, Unit 5, Westpoint Business Park, 8 Marchfield Drive, Paisley, PA3 2RB, West Area hosting. This meeting is scheduled to commence at 10 a.m. All members are invited to attend.

Please note that due to the current COVID 19 outbreak and lockdown restrictions in place, the decision to hold this meeting in person has not yet been confirmed. A decision will be made nearer the date as to whether it is safe to hold a physical meeting or if the meeting should be held via video conference, or potentially delayed as provided for under the Constitution rules. Please keep checking the website for updates which will be posted as soon as information allows an informed decision to be made. Thank you.

Scots Police Charity helps one wee girl wish upon a star to make her Disney dream come true

With all the negative media stories around the world right now due to the Covid19 outbreak, it’s nice to know good things still happen and dreams do come true.

Thanks to the continued support from SPBF members and friends, one little girl was able to experience a holiday of a lifetime despite the many challenges she faces on a daily basis. Maisie, who is severely disabled physically and mentally, requires constant care on a 24/7 basis, and any type of excursion is a military operation for the family at the best of times.

So it was the pleasure of the SPBF to assist the family in sprinkling a little of that Disney Magic Dust and making her dream come true.

As a result of our direct intervention, Maisie’s parents where able to properly plan for this trip in the knowledge they had the backing and support of the charity. After obtaining a specialist flight cot to travel, adapted vehicle and a villa specially equipped to accommodate families with special needs, Maisie was finally on her way to never never land.

We loved receiving the pictures on their return of Maisie enjoying meeting Mickey and Minnie as well as spending some special one on one time with her favourite character, her dad in the pool.

It looks like Maisie and her family had a holiday to remember and we are so glad this was all still possible before the lock down took effect across the globe. It is only through members continued support, fundraisers and kind donations from members of the public that we can continue to support such deserving cases. So please continue to give generously when you can and let us continue to help make more dreams come true.

It costs less than the price of a cup of coffee a month to become a member of the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund, giving you peace of mind that in times of need or hardship, we have your back even long after you retire. If you’d like to join the SPBF, make a donation or raise funds for us please get in touch.

SPBF tells Police Treatment Centre to ‘Get on its Bike!’

The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund continues to support its members past and present through its continued support of the Police Treatment Centre at Castlebrae, Auchterarder.

Trustees during their recent meeting held at the Centre were delighted to take some time out to be shown the fruits of their recent donations to the PTC.

The Benevolent Fund donated £25,000 towards the continued running of the PTC’s Psychological Wellbeing Programme based at Auchterarder, having helped the centre in the past with this vital service for officers past and present suffering from psychological difficulties. The Fund recognises the impact that such services provide in assisting its members towards coping with the many challenges they face as a result of their duties.

The Fund also donated a further £4,720 for the purchase of two state-of-the-art ‘Watt’ Exercise Bikes and the Trustees were given a demonstration of bikes in operation. Our Secretary was encouraged to have a go and show us how it was done, but told the rest of the Trustees to ‘get on yer bike!’, which seemed a little bit of a contradiction there don’t you think!!

Anyway, the bikes arrived just before Christmas and the fitness staff were able to complete their training on the equipment early in the new year allowing them to go fully operational which is great news. We are certainly delighted to see another piece of equipment in place that is going to assist our officers on the road to recovery.

Fitness Supervisor, Douglas Jay, said, “These bikes really are excellent pieces of kit, ideal for treating injuries as well as for athletic performance.”

The members of the Benevolent Fund are pictured with Castlebrae Fitness Instructor, Scott Ramsay demonstrating the Watt Bikes.

Our thanks to the staff at the PTC for showing us around and we look forward to working closely together in the future towards the well being of our members and their families. It is only through the continued donations from our serving members in the SPBF that we can continue to support such good causes and if your not currently a member, we would encourage you to click on the link above where it says, how to join, and submit an application. At only £1.50 A MONTH! it’s fair to say its fantastic value knowing the Fund has your back at times of need.

SPBF supports Maggies Centre

SPBF is pleased to announce that as part of its commitment to supporting its members and their families at times of need, the fund has donated £5,000 to Maggie’s Centre in support of the excellent work they do in providing psychological and emotional support to families battling cancer.

Maggie’s Centres provide free invaluable practical, emotional and social support to people with cancer and their family and friends.

Built in the grounds of NHS cancer hospitals, Maggie’s Centres are places with professional staff on hand to offer the support people need. The Centres are places to find practical advice about benefits and eating well; places where qualified experts provide emotional support; places to meet other people; places where you can simply sit quietly with a cup of tea.

SPBF were delighted to be invited to a personal tour of one of the Centres, at Maggie’s Centre, Dundee. Our Secretary Stephen Clark, together with Operations Manager Gary Brown went along just prior to Christmas to present the cheque and learn more about the vital work the dedicated staff and volunteers get up to.

A big thank you to Lesley Howells, Centre Head and Laura Boyd, Centre Fundraiser, for their personal time and attention showing us round the stunning Centre, and explaining just how much the Centre provides to families having to come to terms with someone in their life with cancer. A special thanks also for the home made mince pies! They were delicious!!

If you are personally, or if you know of anyone struggling to come to terms with the fact they or someone they know has cancer, then please get in touch with your local Maggie’s Centre who are always happy to see you. No worry is too small or silly to enquire about and you will always find a warm welcome awaiting you.

Further details of what support and service they can provide, together with details of where your nearest Maggie’s Centre can be found by clicking on this link.

Meanwhile if you would like to support the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund in its work, providing support to our Police Officers, Support Staff and their families working hard to keep our communities safe and secure across Scotland, then please donate using the Just Giving link on our home page, or alternatively contact us via our contacts page. Or if your thinking of raising funds for SPBF, maybe by way of a sponsored walk, cycle, or something a little more different such as a knitting marathon for example! then please get in touch and let us know. We would love to hear from you. Thank you all for your continued support.


Trustees, staff and members of the SPBF would like to say a BIG Thank You, to all who have supported and donated to the charity this last year. Whilst we are conscious many choose to remain anonymous when donating, all at the charity just wish you to know that we greatly appreciate the support you give us, large or small and rest assured your funds deposited are going to a great cause in supporting officers, support staff and their families during difficult times as well as supporting many other great causes.

A fantastic £3,913.21 was raised in the last 12 months alone via the Just Giving Page. This does not include monies kindly donated via our collection boxes in most major Police Stations across Scotland and those who have kindly donated directly to the charity by other means, for which again we are so thankful for. Please know we value all your efforts and thank you for your kindness.

If you are intending on raising monies for the SPBF by undertaking a charity collection or event such as a fun run or even something daft like sitting in a bath of beans, then please let us know as we would be happy to work with you in achieving your goal.

If you wish to give a donation via our Just Giving Page, then please just click the link above which will take you directly to our page and will only take you seconds to complete.

So once again, just a BIG THANK YOU and a Happy New Year to everyone from the SPBF, we are truly humbled by your kindness x

SPBF 2019 AGM – Chair’s Address

At the recent 2019 AGM held on Monday 19th August at The Scottish Police Treatment Centre, Castlebrae, Auchterarder, Nigel Bathgate, the Chair of the SPBF gave his annual address to those in attendance, a copy of which is replicated below:

“May I take this opportunity to extend a further welcome to you all for attending this year’s, which will be our seventh, Annual General Meeting of the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund.

Reflecting on this year’s activities, it has been both a successful and challenging year where the number of beneficiaries has trebled on the previous year.  The charity has paid out a significant amount of financial support to individuals and families in need.  I will leave Mark to deliver the financial status of the charity over the last year.  Please be assured, however, the charity is functioning as it should be, delivering financial support to those who need it most.  It is however important to reflect that we are a charity of last resort and do not become the first port of call for those in financial need.  We are also not the provider of financial advice; there are many organisations that can provide that before this charity becomes involved.

During the meeting that follows, we will discuss the need for business planning and develop a long-term strategy which we have not previously had.

The charity also needs to identify funding sources and not simply be the charity that provides to other charities.  Overall, we have been a charity that is a victim of its own success in terms of promotion to the wider police family.  It is also interesting to note that the Police Service of Scotland has not donated to this charity over the seven years of its existence, although it gives to the Police Treatment Centres and other worthy causes.

Since our last AGM, the charity has developed a ‘Bad Debt Policy’.  This remains a rarity, however, for the Benevolent Fund to have to enact this policy.

The charity is also heavily involved in the progressing of Restitution Orders. Restitution Orders arrived with a fan fair at this very location in 2012, introduced by the Scottish Government but, has lain dormant until it was raised by the Scottish Police Federation with the Justice Minister a year or so ago.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following individuals and organisations who provide support to the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund:

Mairi McGregor, the charities Treasurer for all her efforts throughout the year to liaise and direct payrolls, manage the applications, negotiate with auditors and generally provide a well-stocked library of historical but relevant information which guides many a Trustee.

Mark Mulholland, our Auditor for his continued association with this charity, for providing the annual accounts and for leading us comprehensively through them.

Further thanks go to the Scottish Police Federation, Association of Superintendents and the Retired Police Officers Association who all provide their support directly and indirectly through promoting the charity and providing personnel so that the local committees and the Board of Trustees can deliver and support beneficiaries.

In continuing that theme, the members of the local committees and those who are on the Board of Trustee similarly deserve recognition for the hours that are committed to delivering essential assistance throughout the year. Time is an underestimated resource but it is often time that impacts most significantly on our beneficiaries or, potential beneficiaries and it is the time spent with Local Reps that deliver significant assistance.

It would also be remiss of me at this AGM to not acknowledge the significant contribution over many years of our colleague and, Charity Trustee, Gary Brown.  Can I wish Gary our best wishes for his retirement from the Police Service.

It is difficult in terms of our charity to talk about success.  Our constitution provides that the purpose of the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund is the prevention or relief of poverty and the relief of those in need.

During this last year, the charity is supporting a number of new individual beneficiaries.  I will let Mark highlight the amounts involved.  I should stress that the sums involved are not insignificant and highlight this charities commitment to supporting our members and, often members of the wider police family in times of tragic need.  That commitment will never cease.

In relation to our investments, the headline figures appear satisfactory.  At 31 March 2017 the invested fund was worth £1,920,832.  The fund has grown and now sits as of the 31 March this year at £1,972,547.  Therefore, growth is reflected in the generated income in excess of £50,000.

Out with the individual beneficiaries that the charity provides, assistance to the charity continues to support a number of external causes all of which have a direct link to the Police Service.”

Scottish Police Benevolent Fund build ‘HOUSE of PAIN!’

Jack in his ‘House of Pain’

Thanks to our subscribing members and gratefully received donations, we are delighted to announce that we were recently able to assist another member of the Police family who came to us for assistance.  

Jack, who is aged nine, is the son of a serving Police officer and suffers from Cerebral Palsy.  It’s fair to say, Jack has had a bit of a time of it, having been born prematurely and spent the first four months of his life in hospital.  Shortly after his discharge, the family then had to contend with Jack being diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.  Mainly affecting his lower limbs, his parents were informed by the medical team that they were looking at the real prospect of Jack being wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.   

Thankfully Jack’s parents decided they weren’t going to give up so easily and would do everything they could to afford him as much of a normal childhood possible and provide him the best opportunity to be as mobile and active as possible. So they embarked on an intensive programme over the next few years towards achieving this.

Jack gets regular input from the community physiotherapist and needs twice daily physio sessions from his mum and dad just to keep his lower limbs from getting stiff.   But this hard work has paid off with Jack now having enough strength to walk with the aid of splints and a walking frame and not being totally reliant on a wheelchair.

These daily sessions are essential to maintain his current condition, but also mean the family struggle with all the other normal things that a busy family would usually have to contend with.

To try and continue to improve Jack’s strength and mobility it was apparent that he needed somewhere to allow him to focus on his physio without simple distractions.  Getting Jack to a local gym to further strengthen his limbs was impracticable due to his age, nor would they be set up to deal with Jack’s specific needs and that’s where the SPBF stepped in!

Being made aware of the Fund’s willingness to assist in supporting its members within the Police family, Jack’s parents made an application to our charity and in just a few simple steps, we were able to inform the family that we would be delighted to provide them with financial support to make Jack’s life that little bit easier.

With our support, the family were quickly able to decide upon a suitable design that met their specific needs and appoint local contractors to construct Jack’s new Gym within the confines of the back garden of the family home.

The guys get to work
It’s taking shape
Where’s that paint brush?
Just a last few finishing touches

Now fully constructed and equipped with all the necessary pieces of equipment to assist Jack in continuing his physical development.  The ultimate aim and hope is for Jack to be able to walk completely unaided in the future.

Fully constructed and looking great!
All kitted out and ready to receive Jack
Jack puts in a shift in his new Gym

Jack knows this is no easy task and will require a lot of work and dedication on his part, but he is determined he will get there and so now tongue in cheek refers to his new Gym as his own personal ‘House of Pain!’

All systems are GO!

Jack’s parents have expressed their sincere gratitude to the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund and its members for all the support and assistance given.  It’s great to see Jack happy at work in his ‘House of Pain’ and we shall be watching with keen interest on his progress towards those big steps.

The SPBF previously produced a series of short videos spotlighting some of our work over the years. In them, officers and their families tell us their stories and what the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund has done for them. You can view these videos by clicking on our blog via the home page. If you know somebody who needs help then contact us.

It costs less than the price of a cup of coffee a month to become a member of the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund, giving you peace of mind that in times of need or hardship, we have your back even long after you retire. If you’d like to join the SPBF, make a donation or raise funds for us please get in touch.


The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund is pleased to announce that the 2019 Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 19th August 2019 at the Scottish Police Treatment Centre, Castlebrae, Auchterarder, Perthshire, PH3 1AG. The meeting is scheduled to commence at 10 a.m. All members are invited to attend.

Directions to the PTC can be viewed via the link below:


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