Our intrepid traveller Tony Catlin continues his exhaustive mission on a hike across northern Scotland.   Tony is currently attempting to complete the challenge of hiking the 230 mile long Cape Wrath trail.

He really is pushing the boat out and stretching himself to the limit, all in aid of raising funds for our charity.  Go Tony!!

Tony is keeping us updated on his travels where he can get signal. Below are some of the stunning views and a few other pics showing his progress.

I think we can all agree it’s some effort by Tony. If you could find your way to supporting Tony in raising money for the charity, no matter how small a donation, then please do so via the link here.

He’s still some way to go before he finishes, but he’s currently ahead of schedule despite some horrific and challenging weather so far. Temperatures have at times been near freezing with hailstones.  Requiring him to use his survival suit for the first time in his climbing and hiking history since he was 17 years old!

But he has his faithful friend with him.  Who as you can see is being a courteous traveller as all explorers should be. Bringing his own porta loo and shovel with him.   Maybe no woods to go to as such, as the old saying goes. But when a bear’s gotta go, a bear’s gotta go!!!

Lets give Tony all the support we can to reach his goal of £1,000 towards the charity.  Click on the link above to give to his donation page and maybe help a poor bear in need too!



Our fab trekker, Tony Catlin, who is doing a gruesome hike up the west coast of Scotland on the Cape Wrath trail to raise funds for our charity, is finally on his way!  Bear included!!

You can follow Tony on the Cape Wrath Trail page where he is posting a blog of his hike (when he has a signal).  It really is a tough challenge and we would ask you to support him in every way you can, such as a donation would be good !! 😉

For further info regards what Tony is hoping to achieve and make a donation, follow this link

Good luck Tony we will be cheering you on!


A massive THANK YOU! to the FIFE BRANCH of the Retired Police Officers Association (RPOAS), who have kindly donated the fantastic sum of £500 to our charity.

Having heard of the financial pressures the charity is under.  As well as the valuable work it does in supporting officers, staff and their families, serving and retired.  The Fife branch members were keen to lend their support and decided to make a kind donation at the recent RPOAS Annual Conference, whilst our Secretary & Trustee Ricky Wood was making a presentation there.

We are deeply grateful for their kindness and this money will definitely be put to good use in assisting our membership.

If you would like to help then please just click on the donate now link and follow the easy instructions.  Every little helps and goes a long way to improving the lives of officers and support staff, serving or retired during their times of need.

Photo shows chair of Fife Branch Eddie Devlin, presenting the cheque to Ricky,

L to R: Ross Bennet, Ricky Wood, Eddie Devlin, David Brown, David Brown (yes 2, its not a typo honest!!)



Well not quite! But Tony certainly will have a few animals, beasties and other extreme challenges to contend with on this journey.

SPBF is extremely grateful to ex Police Officer Tony Catlin, who is embarking on what is classed as the U.K.’s most difficult hike and recognised as one of the finest, challenging, and scenic long distance hikes in the world. Known as the Cape Wrath Trail, it’s a gruelling 230 mile minimum unmarked hike, all in aid of raising funds for the Scottish Police Benevolent Fund.

Tony who is 65 years young, will be undertaking this hike solo.  Carrying all his own kit (18-20kgs pack) he will have to contend with snakes, difficult terrain and of course the Scottish weather.  If that isn’t enough, he will be adding a few freezing cold swims in lochs as well as a few summit climbs and river crossings, just to spice things up a bit!!

Tony starts his marathon hike on 18 April and has created a Just Giving donation page which you can access using this link.

He hopes to raise at least £1,000 for our vital charity work but of course he would love it to be more.   Tony would be most grateful if you would be so kind to support his efforts and give a donation no matter how small or large.

Whilst on his travels, he hopes to gives us regular updates, photos & videos showing his endeavours and we look forward to seeing them.  SPBF wishes Tony every success in undertaking this monumental effort towards raising support for our Police Officers, Support Staff and their families in time of need.

In preparation Tony has been undertaking a few practice hikes and trying to fine tune his equipment needs and kit bag weight. However, he seems to be having difficulty with a couple of stowaways who seem determined to play a part!

Below is a map showing the route Tony will roughly be taking and I think we can all agree, this is no easy feat!!

Good Luck Tony we will be routing for you!

SPBF supports Cops4Ukraine – an update!

Earlier this year SPBF helped our Police Colleagues and their families in war torn Ukraine, by providing a donation towards the invaluable work being undertaken by Cops For Ukraine (Cops4Ukraine).  We recently received and update from them regards the work they have been undertaking and below is a summary of their efforts.   




Earlier this month large quantities of Cops4Ukraine aid successfully reached several Police Stations in the East of Ukraine

The consignments of aid included 100 Individual Trauma First Aid Kits (IFAKS), large boxes of assorted trauma medical supplies, Sanitary Products, Gloves, Socks, Boots, large quantities of winter thermals, winter jackets, winter trousers, ballistic vests, and ballistic helmets. A car and minibus for use by the police officers moving too and from the frontline were also donated.  These consignments have been received by very appreciative officers at four police stations spread across the Sumy, Poltava and Dnipro regions of Ukraine.

We remain in close communication with our contacts in Ukraine and know they are facing a terribly difficult winter, so we were extremely pleased to get these consignments of aid out to our Ukrainian colleagues just in time for the winter conditions that have arrived in the country this week.

As a bonus and thanks to the incredible donation of an entire vehicle. Funds were freed up to allow a minibus and boxes full of children’s toys and clothing to be donated to a Childrens centre in the Dnipro region. The centre run by a church group offers support and education to around 40 children of all ages in the most difficult of circumstances.

We have learned through our close contact with them, that the centre is unfortunately located close to civilian power infrastructure. So regular air raid alarms and the constant threat of a missile strikes is something that has become an horrific part of daily life for the children. So regular are the sound of alarms and explosions, that the centre has lined the inside of their windows with used cardboard egg boxes in an attempt to provide the children with some peace.

The children’s centre had been desperately wanting a minibus for some time but had struggled to raise the required funds. So, it goes without saying that we were only too happy to be able to donate one to them. The bus will allow them to take the children into town, out for day trips and ultimately away from danger if required.


Although the war in Ukraine is now not seeing the same media attention is did at the beginning of the invasion.  The horrors faced by the Ukrainian people continue on a daily basis. Earlier in the year a missile hit a residential apartment block not far from the children’s centre. The blast killed 46 people including 6 children, injured 80 and left 400 people homeless. These images were shared with us by one of the workers at the children’s centre and show the scene of the devastation.

Inclusive of the above consignments, Cops for Ukraine have now delivered eight separate loads of aid to Ukrainian Officers. This has only been possible due to the incredible support we have had from our colleagues here at Cheshire Constabulary, Police Federations, members of the public and suppliers! We are particularly appreciative of officers at Chester who took on the Chester Marathon to help raise funds and all those involved in the Cake Sales!

As many of the donations we have received have been physical donations it is difficult to put an exact figure on the value of the aid we have provided so far. However, we do believe it to be well in excess of our original £25,000 target!

It was a mammoth push to get these consignments out in time for the winter months, but we are determined to continue our support for the Ukrainian Police and we are certainly keen to do more to support the Childrens Centre – We already have some ideas of how to do this and we know with your support we will make them a success!

If you are able to help in anyway, donations can be made through our Just Giving page equally if you have an idea for a fundraising event or project to support the initiative, please do get in touch!

Notification of Membership Amnesty & Increase in Monthly Subscription from April 2024

The Scottish Police Benevolent Fund is the ONLY Police Charity fully dedicated to Scottish serving Police Officers, Support Staff, Retired members, and their families.  It exists purely through the generous donations given by its subscribing members.

Created in 2012 following the amalgamation of the eight Scottish Police Forces, since then the charity has issued more than £2.5 million in grants and other financial assistance to its members, their families, and other worthy causes.  The charity operates with the intention of preventing or alleviating poverty and the relief of those in need by reason of ill health, disability, or financial hardship.

Examples of assistance previously provided include:

  • Assistance with specialist medical equipment or house adjustments for members who have been injured or become disabled in some way through illness.
  • Assisting members children who have required specialist medical equipment or care due to severe disablement or illness.
  • Assistance to secure basic needs and household equipment to families suffering severe financial stress.

Awards are issued by way of a full grant or an interest free loan over an agreed period.

The Charity will soon celebrate its 12-year anniversary.  It is a testament to the Trustees and other volunteers who maintain the Charity on behalf of its members that the monthly subscription fee has not increased since its inception and remained at £1.50 before tax for almost 12 years. This equates to an actual cost per member of only £1.20 or less per month depending on your tax band.

The Charity to cover increased costs, inflation and on-going demands placed upon it, will be increasing the monthly subscription from APRIL 2024, to £1.95 per calendar month.   This equates to £1.56 a month after tax deduction at source, an increase of only 36 pence a month!

Serving Members are reminded that only those subscribing are eligible to submit an application for assistance.  Eligible retired members who have paid subscriptions to date of retirement are entitled to honorary life membership of the fund.



The Charity is pleased to announce that for a short period, non-members of the Charity will be afforded the opportunity to join the Fund under the terms as afforded to new recruits to the service.

PLEASE NOTE: Serving Police Officers AND Police Support Staff members are eligible to join.

Members joining the Charity at time of taking service are afforded a three-month period of free subscription, before commencing payment.  Members who normally join on a later date are not afforded this free period, nor eligible to apply for assistance for a period of at least 12 months from joining in line with similar schemes.

New members joining during this moratorium period will therefore receive the 3-month free period and be eligible to apply with immediate effect.   This offer will NOT be repeated and ends on 31/01/24.

If you are not already a member and would like to join then please go to our website at or use the QR Code below, where you can download the application form and submit via email.


Life sadly has a way of throwing you a curve ball at times!

Do you and your family a favour for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a month and know that you have somewhere to turn to in your time of need.


The SPBF Trustees on behalf of its members would like to congratulate the new incoming Chief Constable Jo Farrell & we look forward to working closely with her. We would also like to thank CC Livingstone for his efforts over the years as the honorary president of the charity.

Further details will follow in due course.


Fancy a night out whilst raising money for a good cause? Then this could be just the event for you!!

Rebecca Strachan is going to don the padded gloves and box to raise funds for the SPBF at the upcoming Premier White Collar Boxing promoted event scheduled for Saturday 8th April, 2023, 4 till 10pm at the OVG Podium in Aberdeen.

Already in training for the event, Rebecca wanted to do something for friends in the Police family who have had a positive influence in her life and helped shape the person she is today. She is currently undergoing a supported intensive training programme together with her friends and trainer to get ‘match fit’ and come Saturday 8th April, she will be shuffling those feet, dancing like a butterfly and stinging like a bee!

So if you like a bit of boxing and a good night out then tickets can be bought at the following link, PWCB Aberdeen Event

Alternatively tickets can be purchased in person at Aberdeen Combat and Fitness Centre.

If you would simply just like to support Rebecca in her quest towards raising funds for our charity then you can donate to her Just giving page via the link here

We look forward to hearing how she gets on and wish her every success, knock em out Rebecca!

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